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Vogt Medical Vertrieb GmbH
Rüppurrer Str. 1 A, Haus B
76 137 Karlsruhe

Telefon: +49 (0)721 98235-0
Telefax: +49 (0)721 98235-29

E-Mail: vm (at)

Commercial register
Registered office: Karlsruhe
Registration office: Mannheim, HRB 108246

VAT number: DE 195419392

Disclaimer of liability:

The information provided free of charge on this website is intended solely for your information about products and services of Vogt Medical. It is directed towards a broad target group and may contain product details or information which may not be available or valid in your country. Please note that we do not assume responsibility for the access to such information which may under some circumstances not be in accordance with the currently applicable legal procedures, regulations, registrations or conventions in your country. The information is not intended as technical advice or instructions for the products and services sold by Vogt Medical. For special inquiries about our products and services please contact us directly.

We do not accept any warranty or guarantee that the information provided is accurate, complete or up to date. No claims arising from information, recommendation or advice may be derived from the provision of this information. Liability for damages is strictly excluded unless intent or gross negligence are represented on our part.

We reserve the right to alter, amend or delete the websites at any time. Links from our web pages to other websites had no illegal content recognisable by us at the time the link was placed. However, we have no influence on external web content and expressly disassociate ourselves from the content provided there. In particular we cannot guarantee that external internet pages within the linked website contain only legally unobjectionable content nor can we guarantee that the linked internet site has not been altered subsequently in a legally objectionable way. The brand names mentioned on the web pages are not denoted as such on our web pages in every case. We refer to the fact that these are nevertheless subject to the rules of trade mark law. Texts, programs, graphs as well as audio and video files generated by us are subject to our exclusive rights of use and exploitation and may only be copied and disseminated with our consent. Input of personal user data is voluntary and is not a precondition for the use of teleservices or media services offered by us. We refer to the fact that certain user-provided data may be stored and processed by us for further use. If certain clauses of this restricted liability declaration do not or no longer conform to the statutory provisions currently applicable, the validity of the remaining clauses remains unaffected.


If you have any questions, you can always contact our data protection officer:

Mr. Michael Vogt

Vogt Medical Vertrieb GmbH

Rüppurrer Str. 1 A, Haus B

76137 Karlsruhe, Germany

Fon.: +49-(0)721-98235-0

Fax.: +49 721 98235-20